SQXL is an expansive GUI (graphical user interface) for Python, providing intrinsic connectivity with spreadsheets, sentient editors, active documents, and process diagrams; offering an environment for statistical, scientific, and business analysis, as well as, virtually any other type of windows solution via its drag-n-drop app builder.
Panels are enhanced replacements for Microsoft's menus, and in combination
with SQXL's spreadsheets, interactive editors, and graphics, provides real-time
windowization of Python applications.
Created with simple drag and drop, the two Panels to the right and below are samples of
those dynamically generated by the
supplied Python windows solutions.
The tracking toolbar that follows to the left of each operator title,
provides alternative methods for processing. Icons to the right offer
auxiliary operations and notifications.
The Panel's collapsible folders, popup menus, preset parameters and instructional comments offer an efficient means to understand, access, and activate Python solutions without having to recall from memory the operation's precise intent or its myriad of settings.
The four interactive editors are Rich Text Format based and specially adapted
for displaying and executing Python, SQL, and other languages.
They allow the seamless mixing
of Panel and spreadsheet triggered actions and command line
operations. Results are recorded in the Trace or Report editors, while
the responsible computations can also be hidden within the Report.
This embedding of calculations means a document can contain all the necessary information
to update and rerun itself.
The four interactive editors permit running different threads of calculations and processes
to contribute to the results. Where the Report may contain the final composition,
the Trace offers a place to direct those test runs before committing.
Select and execute in a PAD editor
Syntax highlighting, auto indentation,
available function, method, and variable choices
with auto completion.
Results appear in the Trace or Report
Execute blocks of Python and SQL code
Input/Output in RTF or ASCII (Py)
Capture Python code from webpages
Paste in other documents as HTML
Show and access code execution history
Static in design, the common spreadsheet's primary dynamics is changing values or pushing the calculate button. On the other hand, SQXL’s is meant for the interactive funneling of diverse compositions of data to a variety of powerful Operators with real-time data collection and updating of results and predictions.
Load multiple spreadsheets from variously formatted data files, DataFrames, Series, arrays, matrices, editors, and Python code.
Save totally or by selections as data files, DataFrames, and Series.
Edit rows, columns, and cells directly
Drag small red square for 2D scrolling
Accessible from editors and Python code
Select non-contiguous rows and columns
Programmatically select rows and columns
Up to 1,000,000 rows and 4,000 columns
Print selected as tables in Trace or Report
Cut, copy, and Paste rows and columns
Create pandas Series from column or row
Merge in pandas Series
The processed results along with spreadsheet excerpts, formatted text, and images can be included in the Report and Trace documents. Save graphics diagrams, automatons, and Venue descriptions as XML.
No special programming background required to create your own windows applications. From scratch or using the accompanying solutions as templates, it is very easy; no compiling and pretty much drag and drop, or rather, click and click.
The construction diagram above leads directly to the runtime Panel below.
As illustrated here, images may be used as buttons. In this case,
clicking on the Histogram image brought up a console offering options and showing the
selection of a different fit distribution.
The small square with the globe at the top of the Panel; it provides a means to selectively offer web assistance. Clicking it will send the default browser to the web page that had been assigned in the construction diagram.